Connect with your loved ones

Powerful and Loving Messages from Beyond


Blessings Dear One!

My name is Veronica and welcome to my page! If you are here, it is not by coincidence. I believe there is a reason why you were guided to me.

I am an intuitive reader that can help you find answers through the knowledge and wisdom of your Angels and guides. It is through them, that my life has improved. Having the advice of a higher being can help us become better versions of ourselves.

I have been doing intuitive readings for over 15 years. But my most healing work is through mediumship. As a child I was able to see and feel spirit, those who have crossed over. Growing up, that was not something a child can understand. To be honest, it was pretty scary. So I lived my life in constant fear, not knowing that what I was seeing was something that would later help me bring much healing to those still on this earth.

So I am truly grateful to God to have this opportunity to help you connect with your loved ones on the other side. Let me know how I and sprit can serve you. Love and blessings. 


When you have a mediumship reading with me I will be the vessel that will be communicating with people who are in the spirit world to those in the living it will be a 3 way communication channel from sprit to medium to recipient. My goal is to deliver messages that will bring peace, love and healing too both sides. And all though our goal is to communicate with certain souls their will be times when others who you were not expecting will come through. Mediumship is another form of letting us know that our love ones are always with us and that their love is eternal.

Intuitive Reading

During a psychic intuitive reading with me ,I will channel your souls energy and connect with the your higher self, your guides and angels to answer any questions you may be needing in any area of Love, Career, finances or any situations that may be bringing fear, stress or sadness to your life. These readings will bring you a more peaceful and healing understanding to the situation that may be needing healing or a wiser perspective. Your guides and Angels will never come from judgement or from fear based messages, but will bring the message full of understanding and love for you.



Thank you so much again. Your gifts are so special and I am so grateful that you were able to share them with me. I couldn't believe how spot on you were with everything and you didn't even know me. You finally gave me closure and peace. Anyone that calls you will surely not be disappointed. I can't wait to talk to you again to see what more you have for me. 


I love having readings from Veronica. She is always so comforting and spot on. She gives me peace of mind and clarity every time. She is very sweet and genuinely cares about you and you getting a good reading.


What can I say? :)  I was going through a very difficult time in my life. A good friend of mine told me to reach out Veronica and maybe I would get some guidance of peace. So I did... There were things Veronica mentioned or told me that there was no way she would have known. Her responses to my questions and following through were very respectful towards me. I now see what she has told me and I followed what she told me to do. Her professional soothing voice was of comfort during our conversations and even after our call, Veronica followed up with me to tell me more. I will continue my journey with her and appreciate her guidance through this time in my life.


I’m extremely thankful for the readings we have had. They have been spot on and I am grateful that you are such a kid person that helps people like me find peace. Last time we spoke i was in an awful place. I was heartbroken and it amazed me how you felt all of my feelings. The healing that we did together on that phone call stayed with me and I still think of it. Because of that phone call I have been a completely different person. I feel so full of life and love for myself that I never felt before. You healed so much of my pain that I will forever be grateful to you for. I can’t wait for another reading with you. Thank you so much!


Veronica is Amazing ! She is always right on point. Veronica is the Real Deal The Very First time I met Veronica we had a connection she did not know anything about me. She was right with everything she was saying she also did a medium ship reading both my parents come though i was so happy to hear what they had to say i was at peace knowing both of my parent were together it brought me such happiness. Veronica has it all She does Reading and medium ship try her you will be amazed i was she blow me way 


Veronica has a such a talented amazing gift, that she helps you receive with such kindness and respect. You will always feel safe and secure. Her intuition is off the hook amazing. --
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